Design-Build-Lease Solutions

The economy of BRICS Design-Build-Lease program is enhanced by our cost efficiency and cost control. BRICS Contracting can provide creative solutions for our clients when the ideal property is not available on the market.


Gives you a detailed view of your facility during the earliest stages of design, allowing you to “walk through” or even “fly through.” 


Cuts the cost of construction by showing you the impact of design changes. Budget concerns can be handled by value engineering, allowing you to get the facility you require without breaking the bank.


Allows you to jump start your project and compress the schedule, meaning your business is back up and running faster.


When leasing a property through a build to suit structure, rent payments are 100% tax deductible.

A design-build-lease is a landlord/developer’s agreement with BRICS Contracting to construct a building, usually for a single tenant. The landlord will typically own or ground lease the lands (and once constructed, the building) and has the option of re-letting the building to a new tenant upon the expiration of the term of the build-to-suit lease to the original tenant. The BRICS Contracting team ensures that the design of the building allows for a lease to a new tenant upon the expiration of the term. A design-build-lease project starts with a meeting between the client and BRICS Contracting in which info is collected on types of uses, amount of space required, timeline for occupancy, range of acceptable rents, general design parameters and other specifics the landlord or his tenant want addressed. 

Given that the design specifications and parameters are of critical importance in establishing the cost of the project, the rent and the timing for completion thereof, it is important to provide as much detail as possible to BRICS Contracting as to the known aspects of the design and the work to be completed. 

The final step is establishing the date on which the building is sufficiently complete so as to trigger, amongst other things, the commencement of the payment of rent. This date is typically described in design-build-leases as the date of “substantial completion” or “substantial performance

  • Preservation of Capital 
  • Rent Is Fully Tax Deductible Over Term Of Lease 
  • Flexibility 
  • Reduce Long Term Costs 
  • Maximize Efficiency 
  • Purchase Options 
  • Longer Lease Terms 
  • Planning Future Expansions 
  • Location Specific 
  • Sale-Leaseback 
  • Uniformity 
  • Maximize Space 
  • Specialized Usage

About This Process

BRICS Contracting’s design-build-lease approach is based on communication, collaboration, and transparency. The process involves sitting down with you to help define and design a project that fits your needs perfectly. From the landlord’s or investors perspective, a build-to- suit transaction can be attractive as it may offer a longer term lease to a desirable and credit worthy tenant. It also avoids the risk of building on speculation.

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